About us Olivia Sully

Welcome all company, client, and bot traffic!

I am a New York based (Australian born!) creative working towards a future centered on brand and consumer impact. Optimistic and practical, I believe I will nestle into a space where my unique ideas and developed writing skills can be appreciated and given the chance to flourish. With three years of experience, from editorial, publishing, and even HR work, I look forward to making this permanent creative shift.

My college years were spent learning the many shapes and forms of writing, but also looking beyond these divisions. At the core of good writing is storytelling and connection. Conveying the heart behind the information is what I am best at. In addition to my English Literature degree from New York University, and my three years of cumulative job experience, I enjoy other creative pursuits such as oil painting and piano. I have won scholastic awards for my art, and continue to sell paintings as a side passion, something perfectly paired with good writing. Don’t be shy and reach me at
